In the late 1990s, 18-month-old Gail Perkins was kidnapped by her father, Adam Lee Perkins, from her Greensboro, North Carolina, home in the midst of a custody dispute. Along with his mother, Ruth Perkins, Adam fled with the girl to Alabama and later Ohio, where he claimed to be homeschooling the now 6-year-old (it is unknown whether he followed Ohio’s homeschool law or, more likely, homeschooled under the radar). On February 23, 2002, five years after Gail was kidnapped, private investigators finally tracked the family down and returned Gail to her mother, Nikki Jones.
Date: February 23, 2002
Location: Streetsboro, Ohio
Documents: | Date: |
Missing Greensboro Girl found in Ohio | 2002-02-25 |
Missing Girl found in Portage | 2002-02-25 |
A Greensboro Mother’s Fight for Her Daughter Is Far from Over | 2002-03-07 |
Home-Schooling Freedoms Help Parents Who Abduct Children | 2004-11-18 |