
Invisible Children

10 Children of Dave and Wonda Dixon

Content note: Case narratives include descriptions of severe violence inflicted on children, including abuse and neglect, sexual violence, torture, and murder, as well as mentions of suicide and domestic violence. They also include photos of victims and perpetrators of violence.

dave and wonda dixon
Ten special-needs children—six boys ages 14, 14, 12, 8, 8 and 3; and four girls ages 12, 10, 5 and 5—were physically abused by their adoptive parents, Dave and Wonda Dixon. They were beaten with paddles, switches, and a water hose. The 12-year-old girl was singled out for abuse and was starved and deprived of medical care; her parents urged her siblings to hit her. After teachers reported her emaciated appearance to child services, the Dixons removed her from school to homeschool her.

The abuse came to light when a child services investigator saw the girl in August 2013 and ordered her hospitalization. She weighed 57 lbs. when she was rescued. The Dixons were indicted that October on charges of injury to a child and imprisoned. The children were removed to foster homes.

Date: August 21, 2013
Lubbock, Texas


Documents: Date:
CPS to consider Dixon family abuse allegations on Oct. 22 10-02-2013
Court documents show reports of sexual, physical abuse at Lubbock County home 10-03-2013
KCBD Investigates: Were the Dixons scamming the system? 11-11-2013
A Lubbock Couple Charged with Child Abuse, 8 Months Later A Family Remains Broken Apart 05-12-2014
Dixon child abuse case moving forward as 10 children get therapy for ‘abuse/neglect’ 12-19-2014