
Invisible Children

3 Children of Chianna and LaTrecia Hendrix

Content note: Case narratives include descriptions of severe violence inflicted on children, including abuse and neglect, sexual violence, torture, and murder, as well as mentions of suicide and domestic violence. They also include photos of victims and perpetrators of violence.

chianna and latrecia hendrix
A 10-year-old boy, D.E., was starved, imprisoned, physically abused, and deprived of medical care by his biological mother, Chianna Hendrix, and her wife LaTrecia L. Hendrix. LaTrecia Hendrix’s two biological children, girls ages 12 and 5, were not similarly abused. One of the boy’s relatives reported that he had “been in and out of different schools for various behavioral problems for years before being homeschooled.”

D.E. was kept locked in the basement, where investigators found urine and feces in his bed. His younger sister reported that he was often beaten and locked in the basement as punishment for stealing food. When he was found he was covered with bruises and scratches and was hospitalized for malnourishment. The Hendrixes reported that they deliberately did not seek medical care for the boy for two years. Chianna Hendrix ran a home day care and LaTrecia Hendrix was a public school teaching assistant.

The abuse came to light when the boy ran away from home in March 2015 and was found by the police. The Hendrixes were both charged with child abuse.

Date: March 23, 2015
Independence, Missouri


Documents: Date:
Prosecutor charges 2 women in abuse of 10-year-old boy 03-24-2015
Two Independence women charged with child abuse 03-24-2015
KC woman charged with child abuse worked as temp at KC school 03-25-2015
1 of 2 women charged with abuse or neglect of boy: ‘You can’t believe everything you hear’ 03-25-2015
Independence police: Boy locked in basement ‘was in pretty bad shape’ 03-25-2015