
Invisible Children

Boy in Northamptonshire

Content note: Case narratives include descriptions of severe violence inflicted on children, including abuse and neglect, sexual violence, torture, and murder, as well as mentions of suicide and domestic violence. They also include photos of victims and perpetrators of violence.

A boy between ages 9 and 17, identified by the media as Child AB, was starved, imprisoned, and abused by his Stepfather. The boy was homeschooled. The boy’s Mother knew about the abuse but did nothing to stop it.

Child AB was the second-oldest child when Stepfather entered the family in 2012. Stepfather’s abuse of Child AB began immediately as he scapegoated the boy. Mother “abdicated her responsibilities and duties as a parent.” Child AB was beaten, “fed stale food and banned from speaking to his siblings,” and Stepfather prevented the boy from seeing a doctor.

Around 2014, social services set up a “child in need” plan for Child AB, but closed the case after three months. Shortly after the case was closed, Stepfather stopped sending Child AB to school, telling social services that he would homeschool him. However, Stepfather never submitted a homeschool application form. Child AB was subsequently not seen by a professional for 14 months. During this time, Child AB was kept naked in a dark room which was locked and alarmed with the blinds nailed shut. The boy was not allowed to use a toilet, so the room was covered with feces.

The abuse came to light in 2016 when Child AB’s sister reported her brother’s imprisonment to her teachers at school. He was removed from the home. In May 2019, Child AB’s parents were convicted of child cruelty. Stepfather was sentenced to 7 years in prison; Mother was sentenced to 3 years.

Date: 2016
Northamptonshire, England, UK


Documents: Date:
Child Ab – Serious Case Review 01-28-2020
Child cruelty case triggers call for home schooling review 01-29-2020
Serious case review into ‘extreme cruelty’ in case of boy locked in filthy room shows how agencies failed to help him 01-29-2020
AWFUL ABUSE Stepdad banned boy from speaking, forced him to poo on floor and made his siblings attack him as he was ‘home schooled’ 01-30-2020