
Invisible Children

Austin and Edward Bryant

In 2000, Edward and Linda Bryant adopted two foster children, Austin and Edward Bryant. Both children were classified as special needs and the Bryants received government subsidies for their care. Over the years, the Bryants took additional foster children and adopted seven other children. In 2011, a young man who had know the Bryant children […]

4 Children of Vanessa and Ray Jackson

Vanessa and Ray Jackson systematically starved their four adopted sons, beat them with brooms, rulers, sticks, shoes, and belt buckles, and choked them. When they were found, Bruce, 19, weighed 45 pounds; Keith, 14, weighed 41 pounds; Tyrone, 10, weighed 28 pounds; and Michael, 9, weighed 23 pounds. Vanessa kept the kitchen locked up and […]

Child of Paul and Debbie Salvetti

Paul and Debbie Salvetti’s 13 year old adopted son escaped imprisonment in a room of their home by kicking through a wall into another bedroom. He went to his former public school the next day to notify a staff member there about the abuse. He weighed 87 pounds at the time of his escape, two […]

6 Children of Maj. John and Carolyn Jackson

John and Carolyn Jackson homeschooled their three biological children and their three foster or adopted children through their local church. One foster or adopted daughter died in 2008. The Jacksons are not being charged in that death. The five living Jackson children were removed from the home in 2010 after one child was hospitalized with […]

Child of Ernest and Cynthia Davison

Officials responding to a child neglect tip found a 5 year old adopted girl weighing only 21 pounds. Her body showed signs of having been restrained for long periods of time. She and her three siblings, all of whom were adopted and had special needs, were removed from their adoptive parents home and placed in […]

Child of Mona and Russell Hauer

Mona and Russell Hauer starved their 8 year old adopted son, leaving him barely alive. The boy was the size of a 4 year old, his bones protruding and his abdomen distended. His parents routinely beat him with a broom handle and forced him to sleep in an unfinished basement with a bucket to urinate […]

5 Children of Jeffrey and Rebecca Trebilcock

Jeffrey and Rebecca Trebilcock systematically starved their five adopted children, one boy and four girls, all between the ages of 10 and 13. The abuse came to light when the boy, 13, was admitted to the emergency room too weak to stand. After years of malnutrition and food deprivation, he was the size of a seven year […]

Child of Jeremiah Lovato

Jeremiah Lovato, a single father living in Colorado, pulled his 14 year old adopted son out of public school to homeschool him after suspicions arose that he was abusing the boy. Almost a year later Lovato’s brutal abuse came to light when his teenage son called the local sheriff’s office to report that he had […]

Sean Paddock and 6 Siblings

Sean Paddock died of suffocation after his adoptive mother, Lynn Paddock, bound him tightly in blankets to keep him from getting out of his bed. Sean’s siblings, five of whom were also adopted, testified that they were frequently beaten with plastic rods and wooden spoons. Lynn Paddock was convicted of first degree murder and it […]

Calista Springer

Calista Springer was sixteen when she died when a fire swept through her family’s Michigan house and she was unable to free herself from her collar. Removed from school to be homeschooled three years earlier after teachers had become to make child abuse reports, Calista, who was adopted, spent her days chained to her bed […]